Wine as an aphrodisiaque?
Wine (and alcohol in general) is an inhibiter, pass the recommended dosage (thanks’ health and safety regulation) and you jump the barrier (or your brain is un- leach!!!) But, I made a point there is a difference between being drunk or gay (in a smiling and silly sense) and being totally drunk (or wasted) what I am talking here is a gentle lifted spirit… a smiling state….as you see with red wine you could see life in pink……….
The doctors are talking about a sadness that is removed with the vapors of alcohol, a lost memory or a loss that wine helps you to forget, the poet are talking about a courage a super-human strength that come’s to you after sipping wine.
Marriage au Corton,
Jamais d’avorton.
(Wedding with Corton and you will have only strong children!!!)
Bacchus are father, was always in the eyes of the women’s the bacchantes. (Cantique des cantiques),: « Mon aimé est comme une grappe de raisin : son fruit est doux à la bouche… »
(My husband/lover is like a grappe! is fruit is in the mouth… (I do live that one to your own interpretation)
In Byzance the vinum conditum (absinthe, anis and spice) helps the digestion and reveal to all your “capacity in the bed chamber”
The Egyptian where using the wine not as a drink pure but most of the time at a base for medicinal purpose, the recipe for “strengthening of the wooden pole” or “helping the rising of ….” Would have bringing you to drink (if you are lucky!!) decoction of different herbs and spice.
The roman where even more upsets with the drink and the different usage that could improve your condition…
All that is bringing us to the age of DNA and laboratory that finally prove one thing, yes wine is good for your health; in certain case it could bring an improvement to your life (in general!) so maybe a moderate consumption of wine could help you feeling better …. But as for the aphrodisiaque side of it the conclusion would be that the real plus would be that dinner you had together with candles, a nice music in the background and a good bottle of wine to share, the real aphrodisiaque and the only one is more in the magic moments you share together before coming back to your flat then in an hypotetique strength taken before…….
Have a nice romantique dinner…….
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